
Living life in the moment.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In my life I have struggled with two things. Not living life in the moment, and living life in the moment. Everyone always says to live you life in the moment, and I have finally managed to do it. The only problem is, while living life in the moment, I have lost track of any goals, dreams, or places I want to go. I am standing near yet another crossroad in my life now, moving back to the United States after a wonderful year abroad in Sweden. I have no idea what I will do when I get back to the United States, or even what I want to do when I arrive back. To just go back and complete high school, to move to Washington and serve as a Page to the US Senate, or to head off to boarding school for two years. These are my biggest options, and for them I have no choice. Mostly I blame this on me having no idea what I would like to do after high school. What feild of study in college trully embraces who I am, and everything that I want to accomplish, I cant come up with one. In this big loss of direction in my life, I have decided that there is only one thing that I can do. Write. Not for the world, but for me. Write in a journal , someplace only I will see, go deep inside, and remember who I am, what I am, and what I want. This is my task for the night, to look inside and remember what I want out of my life.


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